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21% of AESC Members Don’t Do This

With background screening being a critical step in the candidate search, it is surprising to learn that 21% of fellow Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) members don’t complete this step.

The hyper-connectivity of our world today can lead to past transgressions becoming the focus of the public, causing a myriad of issues for companies, which can ultimately lead to the need to replace a person in their company or on the board. So why not complete this relatively simple step during the search process?

As a firm that has been in the C-suite search space for over 30 years we have seen the direct impact of conducting background checks and just how important it can be to the successful placing of a candidate.

The AESC, in cooperation with the Mintz Group published this data regarding the perceptions of background checks.

Click here to download their report