With Excellence…
…10 Powerful Strategies on how to get more out of Life, Finance and Business.
Recently I co-authored a book with several great authors including former President of Reebok Apparel and Retail Group, Marilyn Tam; Jay Conrad Levinson, who many have called “The Father of Guerilla Marketing”; Dr. John Demartini, one of the featured stars in the movie “The Secret” and several other great authors.
In this book each author shares an area of expertise on various topics including how to accumulate more money, improving your overall wellness, going from being average to excellent and I included my chapter on Leading with Excellence, including my breakthrough “Organizational Excellence Diagram”.
My Organizational Excellence Diagram visually takes you through the “Five Qualities of Leadership Excellence”, while balancing the needs of the Team, Individual and Leader. I’ve also included an assessment tool on how to know if you are leading with excellence.
For a limited time I am offer a complimentary copy of my chapter, including the “Organizational Excellence Diagram” and assessment tool to all my readers. All you have to do is subscribe to my mailing list to get your complimentary copy. Just fill out the form below and you will be sent to a page where you can watch my brief video and download your complimentary PDF version of my chapter.